Partner with Us Today


The Youth Project Inc. is primarily funded by generous individuals and support partners.
To encourage achievement and contribute to the growth of our youth, we welcome you to send a gift (made payable to The Youth Project Inc) to:

                                 The Youth Project Inc. 
                                 900 5TH aVENUE

                                 nEW KENSINGTON, PA 15068

Keep in mind, that your company may have a gift-matching program that would double the impact of your gift. Please check with your employer to see if they offer a grant-matching program or email us the name of your employer  and we will inquire with them. 

The Youth Project Inc.  a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  Your tax-deductible contribution will help us advance our mission.

For the 2014-2015 school year, we helped to provide school supplies to over 150 youth! 
For 2015-2016 school year, we helped to provide school supplies to over 300 youth!
For 2016-2017 school year, we helped to provide school supplies to over 325 youth!
For 2017-018 your donations will continue to provide school supplies to local schools. Your donations will also help to cover our staffing needs for our Boyz2Men, #GIRLTALK, and Drug & Alcohol Prevention programming. 
              1. Flat Rubber Roof on the rear of our facility
              2. Architectural Drawings (Mechanical, Electrical, & Plumbing)
              3. Handicap accessible bathrooms
              4. Handicap accessible front entrance door
              5. Energy efficient windows and doors
If you or someone you know can assist with the above list, please contact us immediately. 

If you or your company would like to host a school supply drive for the 2018-2019 school year, please contact us for details


                                                                     DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE